
此篇原文來自 The Guardian,由 Warwick Smith 撰寫,相當契合台灣當今情勢,尤其是社經政策的路線選擇部分,因此摘錄幾段,並做重點翻譯。

Are we witnessing the emergence of the United States of Australia?

Australia can have its cake and eat it too, because a healthy and materially secure population will repay enormous economic dividends. Instead, we're going further down the US path


澳洲的社會與經濟政策在過去 40 年間,大抵走在一條平衡於美國的自由市場與個人主義以及歐陸國家的社會民主主義之間的路線。得利於此,澳洲擁有有效的社會安全網、免費的全民健保(但不包含牙齒與牙床)與相對而言較高水準的公共教育。




然而,美國的模式相較幾個歐洲對手而言,卻創造了相對較高的經濟成長。不過,在經濟上的成功,是建立在大多數的美國人實質薪資與物質生活水準長達 40 年的低或零成長。他們相較於歐洲人而言,工時較長、資遣費較低、加班費較低與較少的失業救濟服務。換句話說,美國模式僅對金字塔的頂層有益,而對整體有害。




English quote:

The 2014 coalition federal budget was aimed at dramatically upsetting this balance, taking several very large steps towards the US model.

Currently the majority of unemployed Americans get no unemployment benefits. Their public school outcomes are amongst the worst in the developed world and their public healthcare is extremely limited and particularly expensive for the mediocre outcomes achieved.

However, their system has resulted in relatively high levels of economic growth when compared to most of their European counterparts. In other words, basically everything about the US system is worse for all but those at the top of the economic pyramid.

Perhaps even that would be OK if the US was the land of opportunity as it’s often claimed. Unfortunately even that’s not the case. In the US, the link between sons and fathers income is twice as strong as it is for Scandinavian countries.

Which of the direction we want to take is a critical question but it is not one that we are answering with our eyes open.

We know that investment in a first rate public education and health system is critical if we value equality of opportunity and long term economic prosperity.

If we consider the wellbeing of all Australians to be important then the Scandinavian model is the clear winner. We can and should increase the proportion of GDP taken in tax and use it to provide the best opportunities to our young people and the best quality of life we can to society’s vulnerable, regardless of where or to whom they were born. This means first class universal education and healthcare and the guarantee of a decent standard of living. If these are not our aims then what is the point of economic progress?

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About Want Want & CNS Acquisition

Few words in English for quick understanding about Want Want & CNS Acquisition(旺中).

Recently, Want Want Holdings Limited(旺旺集團desired to acquire China Network Systems(中嘉網路) but only after National Communication Commission(NCC, 國家通訊傳播委員會)'s permission. On 7/25, NCC has made its final decision that the acquisition can be done if several criterias are met. 

However, lots of people showed their concerns that Want Want would become the dominate player in Taiwan's media industry, which is a potential threat against freedom of speech. Disappointedly, Want Want didn't act well when critics showed up, and this is why I'm sharing the news.

There are some online posts related to the event which made it become easier to understand:
From Wiki(維基百科), from people with enthusiasm 1:文化元年基金會籌備處懶人包2:Baboo's 懶人包.

Also, here are some related personal post about the event and a student anti Want Want & CNS Facebook page.